Friday, December 22, 2023

Winter Updates from the Lake Oswego Tennis Center


Hello! Hopefully everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and you are looking forward to a fantastic holiday season.  As we approach our busy Winter season, we want to keep you updated on everything happening at the Lake Oswego Tennis Center.

Winter/Spring Class Registration opens December 4 @ 10 a.m. for L.O. Residents

Non-Residents can register beginning at 10 a.m. on December 11. Registration for all Winter/Spring Youth and Adult classes will be available at or by calling 503-635-5550.

The Winter/Spring Activities Guide is now available online for preview at Parks & Recreation Winter/Spring Activities Guide | City of Lake Oswego.  Activity Guides are coming soon to L.O. residents' mailboxes! 

Jr. Excellence participants were emailed this week with instructions and class placement information in preparation for registration opening on December 4.

For a full listing & descriptions of Winter/Spring Youth and Adult Tennis classes and programs, please visit

Winter Break Camps at the Lake Oswego Tennis Center
Interested in Joining a Women's City League Tennis Team?

The Lake Oswego Tennis Center hosts 8 teams in the Greater Portland City League Tennis Association.  Teams at LOTC practice weekly and host matches from 11:30 - 3 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays. The Eight teams are divided into various skill levels for league play.

Anyone not currently playing on a City League team who is interested in joining for the second half of the 2023/24 season should fill out a City League Participation Form ASAP to begin playing in matches as early as January 16.  More information on City League tennis can be found at Lake Oswego Tennis Center – City League Tennis (

Upcoming USTA Seasons

The Lake Oswego Tennis Center is no longer accepting Team confirmation forms for the upcoming Winter Adult 18+ & Mixed 40+ USTA seasons. We have reached capacity for the number of teams LOTC can host.  USTA matches will take place on Fridays (8 p.m.), Saturdays (6 & 8 p.m.), and Sundays (6 & 8 p.m.).   

If you'd like to play and don't have a team, call 503-635-5550 or email  with your information: name, rating, league, and level you want to play. We can't guarantee we'll get you on a team, but we do pass the information to captains who may be looking for players.

Seasonal Court Reservations

The fall session of the 2023/24 seasonal court reservation season will end on January 18.  At that time, anyone with a seasonal court reservation has the option to renew their seasonal court for another 19 weeks from January 19 to May 31.  

In December, LOTC staff will reach out to all seasonal court reservation holders to confirm if they would like to renew their seasonal court reservation for the Winter/Spring season.  Upon confirmation, payment for the Winter/Spring session will be processed on the card you provided in July for your seasonal.

Thank you for your continued support of the Lake Oswego Tennis Center! 

Ian Miller
Tennis Center Coordinator

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