Wednesday, July 11, 2018

July 2018

Hope you all are enjoying your summer. 

If this is your first issue of our newsletter, and you have kids in summer camp, please be sure to check out the last item below about fall classes and registration.

Don't forget to enter the seasonal lottery! It closes this Friday, July 13, at noon.

Lisa West
Tennis Coordinator

Lottery Closes Friday, July 13
We're down to the wire for the 2018 seasonal lottery! If you forgot to enter, you have until noon on Friday. 

If you're not sure what the lottery is all about or if you want to enter, check out the details here

Barb will begin the lottery calls on Wednesday, July 18, so please try to make a point to be available. Lottery courts begin September 1.
Speaking of Answering the Phone...
We'd love to update your customer information to include your cell number. We have a lot of home numbers in our computer system, and we don't have a high success rate for reaching people at their home numbers anymore. 

We promise not to spam your phone, but we would like to be able to reach you to let you know a class is cancelled, or to notify you if you have a reservation and the courts are unplayable for some reason. It doesn't happen often, but if we have a maintenance issue or a power outage or something, we would love to actually be able to reach you and save you the trouble of coming down here. We also can text you when these things happen, but only if we know know who your phone carrier is. So if you don't mind sharing that, it will help a lot. I've been testing text notifications, and so far they work great.

Please stop by the front desk, give us a call at 503-635-5550, or email me and let us know your cell number and cell carrier. Again, we're not trying to get your information just to have it--this is a way you can help us help you, and make communication more efficient. 

Summer Camps
This is our first year of running youth camps all summer long, and everyone has been having a lot of fun!The Racqueteers Camp, for ages 7-12, meets Mon-Thu from 9a-noon. Smash Camp is for ages 13-18 and meets Mon-Thu from 1-4:30p. The last week of these weekly camps will be August 13-16. If you'd like to sign up, give us a call. Many of the camps are full, but don't let that stop you from getting on the waiting list. Summer is a little unpredictable for people, so we've been able to register a lot of kids who were waiting. 

Maintenance Closure
We'll be doing our annual maintenance closure from August 17-31. One of our projects this summer will be installing heaters!

Upcoming USTA Seasons
If you want to captain a team for the upcoming 18+ Mixed or 55+ seasons, the deadline is August 1. If you aren't sure what you need to do, please contact me. We have a limited number of openings for teams. 

If you'd like to play and don't have a team, call us at 503-635-5550 or email me with your information: name, rating, league, and level you want to play. I can't guarantee we'll get you on a team, but we do pass the information to captains who may be looking for players. 

Fall Registration and Class Changes
Registration for fall opens for Lake Oswego residents on Monday, August 6 at 10am, and opens to all on Monday, August 13.  If summer camp has been your introduction to the Tennis Center, we offer youth classes after school and on Saturdays from September-May. You can search for tennis on our website, or call the front desk for more information. The fall catalog will be out a few days before August 6.

We have changed all of our classes for fall. This includes adult and youth classes. I'll release a newsletter explaining the changes on July 30. For adults, we have changed the class names to make them a little easier to understand. For juniors, we have restructured the classes to help kids be successful more quickly (more success=more fun!), and so that we can offer all of our classes every session. We haven't been able to do that in the past, because of our limited court space. Stay tuned for more information about this. 

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